Stakeholders Engagement

Millennium bcp aims to understand and integrate into its strategy stakeholder expectations by maintaining a permanent and transparent dialogue, using various communication channels, sharing information and listening to the opinions of different groups of Stakeholders. Questions about sustainability matters may be sent, to Millennium bcp, through the following contact:

Modelo de gestão de Stakeholders

Management Model

Millennium bcp recognizes that dialogue with Stakeholders is essential to understand and answer to their expectations.


Identificação dos Stakeholders

Stakeholders identification

Millennium bcp identifies and discloses since 2004 who are your main groups of Stakeholders: Employees, Shareholders, Customers, Suppliers, Investors, Local Communities, Authorities, Trade Unions and Consumer Associations.

Canais de Comunicação

Communication channels

Millennium bcp promotes various forms of communication that complement each other, allowing it to identify and better understand the needs and expectations of Stakeholders.
The Bank uses not only the traditional channels of dialogue, such as branches, the website, general meetings, investor roadshows, meetings with Employees, but also promotes and streamlines new and innovative forms of dialogue, such as social networks.

Gestão das Expectativas

Expectations Management

Millennium bcp assumes the commitment of maximum transparency in the dialogue with its Stakeholders, with the purpose to understand and integrate their expectations.
In addition to regular contact channels with the various Stakeholders that enable it to gather opinions and suggestions, the Bank identifies in a direct and systematic manner and since 2007, through questionnaires, the most relevant themes and the strengths and opportunities for improvement in the Bank's sustainability strategy.

Partilha de Informação

Sharing of Information

Promote dialogue to achieve common understanding platforms, with respect for the diversity of opinions from stakeholders, results in increased efficiency insofar as this process contributes to the construction of a development model based on perception and response to the challenges presented.

Prémios e Distinções

Awards and Distinctions

Millennium bcp is an award-winning Bank at national and international level by the practices it develops as a result of its engagement with the Stakeholders, the people who are primarily responsible for its recognition.